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- D. Xu, Y. Gu, J. Lu, L. Xu, W. Wang, and B. Dong, Deep-Learning-Assisted Spectroscopic Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy Based on Spectrum-to-Spectrum Denoising. Nanoscale 16, 5729-5736 (2024)
- Y. Gu, Y. Guan, Z. Yu, and B. Dong, SegCoFusion: An Integrative Multimodal Volumetric Segmentation Cooperating With Fusion Pipeline to Enhance Lesion Awareness. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27, 5860-5871 (2023)
- B. Dong, J. Yao, and X. L. Deán-Ben, Editorial: Advances in Photoacoustic Neuroimaging. Front. Neurosci. 16, 859515 (2022)
- H. Wu, H. Chen, X. Wang, L. Yu, Z. Yu, Z. Shi, J. Xu, B. Dong, and S. Zhu, Development and Validation of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Classification Method for Pathological Diagnosis in Patients With Extramammary Paget’s Disease. Front. Oncol. 11, 810909 (2022)
- B. Dong, K. Song, J. L. Davis, H. F. Zhang, and C. Sun, Sub-10 nm Distance Measurements between Fluorophores using Photon-Accumulation Enhanced Reconstruction. Advanced Photonics Research 1, 2000038 (2020)
- A. Vahabakashi, A. Gelman, B. Dong, L. Gong, E. D.K. Cha, M. Schimmel, E. R. Tamm, K. Perkumas, W. D. Stamer, C. Sun, H. F. Zhang, H. Gong, and M. Johnson. Increased stiffness and flow resistance of the inner wall of Schlemm's canal in glaucomatous human eyes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 26555-26563 (2019).
- H. Li*, B. Dong*, X. Zhang*, X. Shu, X. Chen, R. Hai, D. Czaplewski, H. F. Zhang, and C. Sun, Disposable ultrasound-sensing chronic cranial window by soft nanoimprinting lithography. Nature Communications 10, 4277 (2019).
- T. Smart, H. Li, B. Dong, R. Hai, C. Sun, H. F. Zhang, and R. Jeanloz, High-pressure seismology: use of micro-ring resonators for characterizing acoustic emissions. Applied Physics Letters 115, 081904 (2019).
- Y. Zhang, K. Song, B. Dong, J. L. Davis, G. Shao, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Multicolor super-resolution imaging using spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy with optimal spectral dispersion. Applied Optics 58, 2248-2255 (2019).
- E. Y. Kim, D. Y. Barefield, A. H. Vo, A. M. Gacita, E. J. Schuster, E. J. Wyatt, J. L. Davis, B. Dong, C. Sun, P. Page, L. Dellefave-Castillo, A. Demonbreun, H. F. Zhang, and E. M. McNally. Distinct pathological signatures in human cellular models of myotonic dystrophy subtypes. JCI Insight 4, e122686 (2019).
- K. Song*, B. Dong*, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Theoretical analysis of spectral precision in spectroscopic single-molecule localization microscopy. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 123703 (2018).
- B. E. Urban, B. Dong, X. Zhang, H. Yang, and H. F. Zhang, Patterned-illumination second harmonic generation microscopy of collagen fibrils in rat scleras. Optics Letters 43, 5190-5193 (2018).
- X. Chen, B. Dong, C. Wang, F. Zhou, and C. Sun, Hyperbolic dispersion via symmetric and antisymmetric orderings of artificial magnetic dipole array. ACS Photonics 5, 4469-4475 (2018).
- B. Dong, J. L. Davis, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Spectroscopic analysis beyond the diffraction limit. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 101, 113-117 (2018).
- A. Eshein, Y. Li, B. Dong, L. M. Almassalha, J. E. Chandler, T. Nguyen, K. A. Hujsak, V. P. Dravid, C. Sun, H. F. Zhang, and V. Backman, Sub-10 nm imaging of nucleic acids using spectroscopic intrinsic-contrast photon-localization optical nanoscopy (SICLON). Optics Letters 43, 5817-5820 (2018).
- J. L. Davis, B. Dong, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Method to identify and minimize artifacts induced by fluorescent impurities in single-molecule localization microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics 23, 106501 (2018).
- X. Chen, W. Liu, B. Dong, J. Lee, H. O. T. Ware, H. F. Zhang, and C. Sun, High-speed 3D printing millimeter-size customized aspheric imaging lenses with sub 7 nm surface roughness. Advanced Materials 30, 1705683 (2018). Selected for the front cover
- B. E. Urban, L. Xiao, S. Chen, H. Yang, B. Dong, Y. Kozorovitskiy, and H. F. Zhang, In vivo super-resolution imaging of neuronal structure in the mouse brain. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65, 232 (2018). Selected for the front cover
- B. Dong, B. T. Soetikno, X. Chen, V. Backman, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Parallel three-dimensional tracking of quantum rods using polarization-sensitive spectroscopic photon localization microscopy. ACS Photonics 4, 1747 (2017).
- B. E. Urban, L. Xiao, B. Dong, S. Chen, Y. Kozorovitskiy, and H. F. Zhang, Imaging neuronal structure dynamics using two-photon super-resolution patterned excitation reconstruction (SuPER) microscopy. Journal of Biophotonics e201700171 (2017).
- D. Yu, O. F. Khan, M. L. Suvac, B. Dong, W. K. Panek, T. Xiao, M. Wu, Y. Han, A. U. Ahmed, I. V. Balyasnikova, H. F. Zhang, S. Cheng, R. Langer, D. G. Anderson, and M. S. Lesniak, Multiplexed RNAi therapy against glioblastoma stem cells via sustained lipopolymeric nanoparticle delivery delays tumor progression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, E6147 (2017).
- S. Yu, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Dong, Z. Jiang, X. Chen, W. Chen, and C. Sun, Design of nondeterministic quasi-random nanophotonic structures using fourier space representations. Scientific Reports 7, 3752 (2017).
- X. Shu, H. Li, B. Dong, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Quantifying melanin concentration in retinal pigment epithelium using broadband photoacoustic microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express 8, 2851 (2017).
- B. Dong, L. Almassalha, B. T. Soetikno, J. E. Chandler, T. Nguyen, B. E. Urban, C. Sun, H. F. Zhang, and V. Backman, Stochastic fluorescence switching of nucleic acids under visible light illumination. Optics Express 25, 7929 (2017)
- B. Dong, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Optical detection of ultrasound in photoacoustic imaging. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 64, 4 (2017). Selected as the front cover
- B. Dong*, X. Chen*, F. Zhou, C. Wang, H. F. Zhang, and C. Sun, Gigahertz all-optical modulation using reconfigurable nanophotonic metamolecules. Nano Letters 16, 7690 (2016).
- B. Dong*, L. Almassalha*, Y. Stypula-Cyrus, B. E. Urban, J. E. Chandler, T. Nguyen, C. Sun, H. F. Zhang, and V. Backman, Super-resolution intrinsic fluorescence imaging utilizing native, unmodified nucleic acids for contrast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, 9716 (2016). Awarded Cozzarelli Prize, given annually to six papers published in PNAS, acknowledges papers that reflect scientific excellence and originality
- B. Dong*, L. Almassalha*, B. E. Urban*, T. Nguyen*, S. Khuon, T.-L. Chew, V. Backman, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Super-resolution spectroscopic microscopy via photon localization. Nature Communications 7, 12290 (2016).
- F. Zhou*, W. Cao*, B. Dong*, T. Reissman, W. Zhang, and C. Sun, Additive Manufacturing of a 3D Terahertz Gradient-Refractive Index Lens. Advanced Optical Materials 4, 1034 (2016). Top-5 most downloaded papers, July 2016
- B. Dong, Siyu Chen, Fan Zhou, Christina H. Y. Chan, Ji Yi, Hao F. Zhang and Cheng Sun, Real-time functional analysis of inertial microfluidic devices via spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Scientific Reports 6, 33250 (2016). Highlighted by OCT News as Feature Of The Week
- X. Chen, P. Guo, C. He, B. Dong, R. D. Schaller, R. P. H. Chang and C. Sun, Scaling the Artificial Polariton Bandgap at Infrared Frequencies Using Indium Tin Oxide Nanorod Arrays. Advanced Optical Materials 4, 2077 (2016).
- A. Childs, H. Li, D. Lewittes, B. Dong, W. Liu, X. Shu, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Fabricating customized hydrogel contact lens. Scientific Reports 6, 34905 (2016).
- B. E. Urban*, B. Dong*, T. Nguyen, V. Backman, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Subsurface super-resolution imaging of unstained polymer nanostructures. Scientific Reports 6, 28156 (2016).
- H. Li, W. Liu, B. Dong, J. V. Kaluzny, A. A. Fawzi, and H. F. Zhang, Snapshot hyperspectral retinal imaging using compact spectral resolving detector array. Journal of Biophotonics 10, 830-839 (2016).
- X. Shu, M. Bondu, B. Dong, A. Podoleanu, L. Leick, and H. F. Zhang, A single all fiber-based nanosecond-pulsed supercontinuum source for multispectral photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Optics Letters 41, 2743-2746 (2016).
- S. Yu, Y. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Lee, B. Dong, C. Sun, T. Odom, and W. Chen, Characterization and design of functional quasi-random nanostructured materials using spectral density function. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Design Automation Conference (2016). Best Paper Award
- F. Zhou, C. Wang, B. Dong, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, and C. Sun, Scalable nanofabrication of U-shaped nanowire resonators with tunable optical magnetism. Optics Express 24, 6367-6380 (2016).
- S. S. Nathamgari, B. Dong, F. Zhou, W. Kang, J. P. Giraldo-Vela, T. McGuire, R. L. McNaughton, C. Sun, J. A. Kessler, and H. D. Espinosa, Isolating single cells in a neurosphere assay using inertial microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 15, 4591 (2015).
- B. Dong, H. Li, Z. Zhang, K. Zhang, S. Chen, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Isometric multimodal photoacoustic microscopy based on optically transparent micro-ring ultrasonic detection. Optica 2, 169-176 (2015).
- B. E. Urban*, J. Yi*, S. Chen*, B. Dong, Y. Zhu, S. H. DeVries, V. Backman, and H. F. Zhang, Super-resolution two-photon microscopy via scanning patterned illumination. Physical Review E 91, 042703 (2015).
- Y. Zhang, B. Dong, A. Chen, X. Liu, L. Shi, and J. Zi, Using cuttlefish ink as an additive to produce non-iridescent structural colors of high color visibility. Advanced Materials 27, 4719-4724 (2015). Selected as the inside front cover
- S. Chen, J. Yi, B. Dong, C. Sun, P. Kiser, T. J. Hope, and H. F. Zhang, Imaging endocervical mucus anatomy and dynamics in macaque female reproductive track using optical coherence tomography. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 5, 40-45 (2015).
- Z. Zhang, B. Dong, H. Li, F. Zhou, H. F. Zhang, and C. Sun, Theoretical and experimental studies of distance dependent response of micro-ring resonator-based ultrasonic detectors for photoacoustic microscopy. J. Appl. Phys. 116, 144501 (2014). Selected as the front cover
- B. Dong, S. Chen, Z. Zhang, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, Photoacoustic probe using a microring resonator ultrasonic sensor for endoscopic applications. Optics Letters 39, 4372 (2014).
- H. Li*, B. Dong*, Z. Zhang, C. Sun, and H. F. Zhang, A transparent broadband ultrasonic detector based on micro-ring resonator for functional photoacoustic imaging. Scientific Reports 4, 4496 (2014).
- Z. Zhang*, P. Ahn*, B. Dong*, O. Balogun, and C. Sun, Quantitative imaging of rapidly decaying evanescent fields using plasmonic near-field scanning optical microscopy. Scientific Reports 3, 2803 (2013).
- L. Shi, Y. Zhang, B. Dong, T. Zhan, X. Liu, and J. Zi, Amorphous photonic crystals with only short-range order. Advanced Materials 25, 5314 (2013).
- Y. Zhang, B. Dong, X. Liu, and J. Zi, Replication of spinodally decomposed structures with structural coloration from scales of the longhorn beetle Sphingnotus mirabilis. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 8, 045003 (2013).
- H. Yin*, B. Dong*, X. Liu, T. Zhan, L. Shi, J. Zi, and Eli Yablonovitch, Amorphous diamond-structured photonic crystal in the feather barbs of the Scarlet Macaw. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 10799 (2012).
- L. Jiang, B. Dong, X. Liu, F. Liu, and J. Zi, Structural origin of sexual dichromatic lustre and iridescence in beetle Goliathus cacicus. Chin. Sci. Bull. 57, 3211 (2012).
- B. Dong, T. Zhan, X. Liu, L. Jiang, F. Liu, X. Hu, and J. Zi, Optical response of a disordered bicontinuous macroporous structure in longhorn beetle Sphingnotus mirabilis. Physical Review E 84, 011915 (2011).
- F. Liu, B. Dong, F. Zhao, X. Hu, X. Liu, and J. Zi, Ultranegative angular dispersion of diffraction in quasiordered biophotonic structures. Optics Express 19, 7750 (2011).
- J. Huang, B. Dong, and L. Zhou, Nonuniform ensembles of diverse resonances in one-dimensional layered media. Optics Letters 36, 2477 (2011).
- C. Ouyang, Z. Xiong, F. Zhao, B. Dong, X. Hu, X. Liu, and J. Zi, Slow light with low group-velocity dispersion at the edge of photonic graphene. Physical Review A 84, 015801 (2011).
- Z. Xu, B. Dong, B. Lu, Y. Chen, E. Huq, X. Qu, and R. Liu, A novel surface plasmon biosensor with imprinted waveguide metal gratings for protein detection. Microelectron. Eng. 88, 2647 (2011).
- F. Liu, Y. Liu, L. Huang, X. Hu, B. Dong, W. Shi, Y. Xie, and X. Ye, Replication of homologous optical and hydrophobic features by templating wings of butterflies \textit{Morpho menelaus}. Optics Communications 284, 2376 (2011).
- B. Dong, X. Liu, T. Zhan, L. Jiang, H. Yin, F. Liu, and J. Zi, Structural coloration and photonic pseudogap in natural random close-packing photonic structures. Optics Express 18, 14430 (2010).
- F. Liu, G. Wang, L. Jiang, and B. Dong, Structural colouration and optical effects in the wings of Papilio peranthus. J. Optics 12, 065301 (2010).
- J. Xue, B. Dong, X. Wang, R. Yang, Z. Xua, Y. Chen, E. Huq, W. Zeng, X. Qu, and R. Liu, Surface plasmon enhanced transmission through gold planar crystals with various aperture arrangements. Microelectron. Eng. 87, 1340 (2010).
- Z. Xu, B. Dong, J. Xue, R. Yang, B. Lu, S. Deng, Z. Li, W. Lu, Y. Chen, E. Huq, X. Qu, and R. Liu, Surface plasmon polariton coupling induced transmission of subwavelength metallic grating with waveguide layer. Microelectron. Eng. 87, 1297 (2010).
- S. Deng, B. Lu, B. Dong, J. Wan, Z. Shu, J. Xue, Y. Chen, E. Huq, R. Liu, and X. Qu, Effective polarization control of metallic planar chiral metamaterials with complementary rosette pattern fabricated by nanoimprint lithography. Microelectron. Eng. 87, 985 (2010).
- F. Liu, B. Dong, X. Liu, Y. Zheng, and J. Zi, Structural color change in longhorn beetles Tmesisternus isabellae. Optics Express 17, 16183 (2009).
- J. Xue, W. Zhou, B. Dong, X. Wang, Y. Chen, E. Huq, W. Zeng, X. Qu, and R. Liu, Surface plasmon enhanced transmission through planar gold quasicrystals fabricated by focused ion beam technique. Microelectron. Eng. 86, 1131 (2009).
- F. Liu, H. Yin, B. Dong, Y. Qing, L. Zhao, S. Meyer, X. Liu, J. Zi, and B. Chen, Inconspicuous structural coloration in the elytra of beetles \textit{Chlorophila obscuripennis} (Coleoptera). Phys. Rev. E 77, 012901 (2008). Highlighted in Nature China
- H. Yin, L. Shi, J. Sha, Y. Li, Y. Qin, B. Dong, S. Meyer, X. Liu, L. Zhao, and J. Zi, Iridescence in the neck feathers of domestic pigeons. Phys. Rev. E 74, 051916 (2006).
- J. Zi, B. Dong, T. R. Zhan, and X. H. Liu (2012). Photonic structures for coloration in the biological world. Bioinspiration: from nano to micro scales, X. Y. Liu (ed.), Springer.
- F. Liu, B. Dong, and X. H. Liu (2012). Bio-Inspired photonic structures: prototypes, fabrications and devices. Optical Devices in Communication and Computation, Peng Xi (ed.), InTech.